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Avdentures in Stockholm 

Navigating Stockholm 

Lessons in Leaderships
Free School Under a Rock 
Can Women Lead the World?

Creating Our Own Leadership 

Theories of Leadership 

Over the years the idea and theory behind leadership has vastly changed and has grown into something society values. While abroad we are studying a number of Leadership theories in hopes to enhance our cultural competence and develop our own style of leadership. 

Women in Leadership

In the past and still to this day women have been known to hold fewer leadership positions compared to men. Although other countries may have increased their number of women in those positions, there is still a dispute on whether or not they are suitable leaders. While abroad we are studying Swedens views and implementation of women to high leadership positions and comparing it to the American society.

Nordic Scandinavian Culture:

"Lagom är bäst"!

Sweden has a unique philosophy they choose to live by. Lagom Ar Bast represents a their way of staying a living a balanced livestlye and having just the right amount. While in the beautiful country I hope to explore more of their culture and maybe incorporate their philosophy in my own lifestyle. 

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